A brand new Dungeons & Dragons live stream series is set to launch later this month on July 25th at 1pm EST on Twitch, YouTube, and Facebook, and will blend fantasy D&D with high tech mixed reality special effects.
Produced by Joseph Bohan, Parker Howell, and Jay Stone, InstaQuest will feature a cast of popular twitch streamers and cosplayers, and aims to create an immersive D&D adventure story that has never been seen before.
Alex Drastal, Darth Lexii, TheSushiDragon, and ZombiUnicorn have been named as players while Joseph “Jobo” Bohan will be the Game Master, in addition to his role as the show’s producer.
InstaQuest will premiere on Saturday, July 25 on their official Twitch, Facebook, and YouTube channels and be streamed live. Follow their website and social channels for more information as the premier date looms closer.

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