Of the 600 recipes included on this site, our favorites come from readers like you. This month we are featuring Paul Whitehead’s fabulous Ferakh bil Hummus (Chicken with Chickpeas). We couldn’t wait to try it at home, and were delighted with the results.
Paul’s comments and tips: “This is a very tasty dish that my wife and I eat regularly and my friends like me to cook for them as well. It’s very popular. A couple of things I have refined as I’ve gone along are the chili powder, which I find a bit bitter — for that I use cayenne pepper; and I use large onions, simmering them till they go very soft and golden coloured, I find this makes for a thicker richer sauce.”
Delicious! If you have a favorite recipe that you’re willing to share, we’d love to feature it. And we’d be happy to include your email and/or your web site link in the credits. Be sure to tune into the cooking streaming platform for the latest content, cooking recipes and more from your favorite cooking streamers.
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