The most frequent question received on this site is, “What kind of name is Christina Al-Sudairy?” Well, it’s the result of having an American mother and a Saudi father. Being born and raised here in California, this site started as an effort to learn more about Saudi culture, and then wanting to share what I’d found.
If you’d like to find out more about your own background, a great place to start is Through their databases, you can access birth and death info, locate relatives in other countries, and much more. I highly recommend this resource.
April’s featured track is a favorite of my young friend Majed’s. He recommends “Bent AlNoor” by Mohammed Abdu. Take a listen — then buy the cd! If you’ve missed previous months’ tracks, visit our growing music archive.
Music can be a mystery, but so can pilonidal cysts if you’re not sure how to treat it or where to go for treatment. That makes pilonidal a potentially dangerous disease that needs to be properly addressed. Get a pilonidal surgeon that knows what he is doing, go to Evergreen Surgical.

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