It may be awhile before trainers see Generation Seven Pokemon in Pokemon Go, but it appears they will have an opportunity to catch some of the Alola forms to their Generation One creatures.
In a news release, Pokemon announced that several Alola variant Pokemon to the mobile game.
Say “Alola” to Pokémon GO!
Alolan Forms of Pokémon Originally Discovered in the Kanto Region Are Coming to Pokémon GO.
So far in Pokémon GO, we have seen Pokémon originally discovered in the Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn regions. Next up, be on the lookout for the Alolan forms of Pokémon originally discovered in the Kanto region, which will soon make their debut. Stock up on Poké Balls and get ready to expand your Pokémon collection!
On the website there is a silhouette of what could be the Alolan forms that will be introduced in Pokemon Go. The release did not announce a formal release date for the Alola variants.
Alola forms of Pokemon from in the first generation of games were introduced in “Pokemon Sun” and “Pokemon Moon.” These Pokemon were not only different in appearances, but also type and had new abilities as well. This provided a fresh take on some Pokemon who trainers may have shied away from using in the past.
Fans have hoped Pokemon from other generations would receive an Alola form, and some have even made fan videos.
Alola forms in Pokemon Go will provide trainers with different Pokemon they can add to their teams and use in gym battles and raids.
Below is the list of Kanto Pokemon who received Alola variants with their descriptions their Pokedex.
Diglett (Steel/Ground):
Its head sports an altered form of whiskers made of metal. When in communication with its comrades, its whiskers wobble to and fro.
Dugtrio (Steel/Ground)
Its shining gold hair provides it with protection. It’s reputed that keeping any of its fallen hairs will bring bad luck.
Grimer (Dark/Poison)
A Grimer, which had been brought in to solve a problem with garbage, developed over time into this form.
Muk (Dark/Poison)
The garbage it eats causes continuous chemical changes in its body, which produce its exceedingly vivid coloration.
Geodude (Rock/Electric)
Its body is a magnetic stone. Iron sand attaches firmly to the portions of its body that are particularly magnetic.
Graveler (Rock/Electric)
Its preferred food is dravite. After it has eaten this mineral, crystals form inside the Pokémon, rising to the surface of part of its body.
Golem (Rock/Electric)
It fires rocks charged with electricity. Even if the rock isn’t fired that accurately, just grazing an opponent will cause numbness and fainting.
Rattata (Dark)
With its incisors, it gnaws through doors and infiltrates people’s homes. Then, with a twitch of its whiskers, it steals whatever food it finds.
Raticate (Dark)
It forms a group of Rattata, which it assumes command of. Each group has its own territory, and disputes over food happen often.
Meowth (Dark)
This Pokémon was not originally found in Alola. Human actions caused a surge in their numbers, and they went feral. They’re prideful and crafty.
Persian (Dark)
Its round face and smooth coat—softer than the most high-class velvet—have made this a very popular Pokémon in Alola.
Vulpix (Ice)
It exhales air colder than -58 degrees Fahrenheit. Elderly people in Alola call this Pokémon by an older name—Keokeo.
Ninetails (Ice)
It creates drops of ice in its coat and showers them over its enemies. Anyone who angers it will be frozen stiff in an instant.
Sandshrew (Ice/Steel)
It lives on snowy mountains. Its steel shell is very hard—so much so, it can’t roll its body up into a ball.
Sandslash (Ice/Steel)
Fleeing a volcanic eruption, it settled on a snowy mountain. As it races through the snowfields, it sends up a spray of snow.
Exeggutor (Grass/Dragon)
Alola is the best environment for this Pokémon. Local people take pride in its appearance, saying this is how Exeggutor ought to look.
Raichu (Electric/Psychic)
It only evolves to this form in the Alola region. According to researchers, its diet is one of the causes of this change.
Marowak (Ghost/Fire)
The bones it possesses were once its mother’s. Its mother’s regrets have become like a vengeful spirit protecting this Pokémon.

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