Following a trend started by other bigtime twitch streamers, Lilypichu decided to spread some positive vibes to start off the New Year by rewarding a large number of her fans and viewers.
According to GameRant’s Preston Fusci, Lilypichu has bought gifts for fans who reply to her tweet with a link from their Amazon wishlist for New Year’s.
want more positivity in the new year so i’m going to take a page out of miss pokimane’s book
link your amazon wishlists below and i’ll get some stuff for people until I stop (turn on 3rd party shipping) ???!!
— lily (@LilyPichu) January 4, 2021
This piggybacks off of Pokimane doing a similar act of kindness just before Christmas. Given the success that streamers had in 2020, due in large part to quarantine, it’s good to see a number of the most successful streamers give back to those who helped them reach stardom.
i know the holidays can be harder this year for people.
tryna spread a lil christmas cheer by giving out presents in the comments!link me your amazon wishlists below. ❤️?
— pokimane (@pokimanelol) December 22, 2020
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